Providing jobs during Covid -19

Everyday Changemaker James Habimana, father of six, is our featured Changemaker from Kisoro, a rural region in Uganda. In this Covid-19 crisis, when people have lost work, James provided job opportunities and much needed income to well over 20 youth and adults in his village. He was awarded the distinction as an Everyday Changemaker, because his inner strength and sheer determination are an inspiration for others, and he continues providing income for other’s basic needs of food and shelter.

James was also selected as an Everyday Changemaker because he is continually thinking of ways to try and engage the youth in his village. Education is very important to him, donating money to help other community members fund their children’s school costs. He also hired many youth to help collect local raw materials for his handmade beehives. He is one of the leading apiarist (bee farmer), and has a farm James Family Foundation which is featured on the Mutuality Platform.

During this period, millions of people are being pushed into more severe poverty due to the economic contraction that is occurring. James and others like him are stepping up to help one another. James is part of the Community Independence Initiative partnering with Up with Africa, and is a global demonstration of “peer driven change” in Uganda.

#peerdrivenchange #everydaychangemaker #selfhelp #residentdriven #mutuality #community

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