Impacting Community Health

Everyday Changemaker Rufus Logan a physician assistant from Buchanan, Liberia is a prime example of a proximate leader, Everyday Changemaker. He started the Fairground Hospital Community Project and now delivers health care to 1,000-1,500 patients a month. His dreams are not for himself but “wants to see a healthy community”. He deeply cares about his community and their health. His clinic is not for profit, he treats patients based on their health needs rather than profiting from them. Many patients he sees are very poor.

We, as an audience applaud him near and far, for his caring spirit, his deep love for his community. He envisions/dreams of expansion, wanting to add an annex for children and pregnant women. See him on CII’s mutuality platform, CII Liberia. Rufus is part of Community Independence Initiative   a field catalyst, global demonstrations of how to directly fund projects to these everyday change makers and a new peer driven change paradigm, changing how we can positively impact the war on poverty. Everyday people millions/billions of people globally, who do things that positively impacts their community, positively impacts their own lives, who do things not for recognition/awards, but do things because they strive for a better life for themselves or their community. Everyday change makers, true role models for their community and the world. Local actors who show people how to act, how to do, breaking down negative stereotypes that they do not have capacity, breaking down erroneous preconceived ideas of those in poverty as “takers”.

#peerdrivenchange #everydaychangemaker #selfhelp #residentdriven #mutuality #community #liberia

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